Sacramento Police Department on Patrol to "Talk" re: DUI 5/22/15

Sacramento Police Department on Patrol to "Talk" re: DUI 5/22/15

If you are out tonight to have some fun and drink alcohol, the Sacramento Police Department has issued a press release on its website indicating that a "Know Limit and Be a Sober Driver" will start at 7:30-10:00pm.  According to the press release:

"This Friday, May 22, 2015, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., officers will be getting out of their patrol cars and talking to patrons in downtown bars, clubs, and restaurants to promote safe and sober driving.  This innovative program will include providing information on designating sober drivers, taxis and ride programs such as Lyft and Uber.

In the spirit of the “know your limit” campaign, patrons will have the opportunity to participate in a Preliminary Alcohol Screening, also known as a field sobriety test, along with being provided educational material."

For the full press release see click here.

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2530 J St #320 Sacramento, CA 95816

Mon-Fri 8:00am- 5pm